
From GridSiteWiki

Subversion is a version management system similar to CVS. Unlike CVS, Subversion can use the WebDAV protocol and an Apache module, which the svn command-line tools can communicate with directly. This means one less service to run if you're already running a web server, and due to the modular design of Apache, it can be used with GridSite-based authorization.

This guide describes setting up Subversion, GridSite and Apache, using the GridSiteACLPath directive introduced in GridSite 1.3.4.

You should follow the basic independent installation and configuration steps for the three components. For RedHat derived systems, the Subversion website provides binary RPMs for recent releases. You must include the WebDAV and Subversion modules to the Apache configuration file:

LoadModule dav_module     modules/
LoadModule dav_svn_module modules/

and you should check that Subversion is working with anonymous or password protected requests using the svn client.

We will assume you're only going to use Subversion over HTTPS rather than HTTP. In the HTTPS virtual server, include the SSLUserName directive to fill the HTTP user with the client's certificate DN. (This is used by Subversion for recording and displaying who made each commit to the repository.)

SSLUserName             SSL_CLIENT_S_DN

For production use, you should create a directory which is writeable by your webserver Unix account (for e